
Since the launch of Vibram Five Fingers in 2006, the concept of minimalism, and minimalist running in particular, has spawned a recurring public debate. So, how are we supposed to do this minimalist/barefoot thing? The truth is, there isn’t a single correct approach – it’s probably more complicated than that. However, as one of the prominent leaders in this movement, we want to give you Vibram’s take on it. We believe that moving and running in Five Fingers can make us healthier, happier, and more connected to our bodies. We hope the following information will help you discover how YOU can safely explore the joys of natural movement.

Now that you have begun to familiarize yourself with your feet, you’ve probably noticed that they are pretty weak. Maybe it’s hard to spread or control your toes? Perhaps being barefoot for an extended amount of time leaves your feet sore or tired? To safely begin the transition to wearing Vibram Five Fingers for barefoot running and fitness.

Wearing Five Fingers for running, fitness training, water sports or just for fun will make your feet stronger and healthier—naturally. And while we do love our Vibram FiveFingers, we don’t believe it is the only footwear you will ever need. There are many times when you need the protection and security of a shoe or boot.Following the tips below will allow you to make the switch to Five Fingers more comfortably, safely and effectively.

Listen to your feet:
For some, it is a matter of weeks, for others months, and for a few it could be a year or more. Much is dependent on your foot type, the activities you’re using FiveFingers for, and the amount of pronation you experience.The progression will ultimately be worth the wait, and your foot and body will be stronger and better off for it.

Stop if your arches or the top of your foot is hurting:
Remember to transition slowly to FiveFingers in order to build strength in your lower legs and feet and to minimize discomfort. An adjustment period is normal, and any discomfort should decrease after a week or two of use.

In the beginning, remember to carry your traditional footwear in your hands:
If you need to stop in the middle of a workout, you can put on your cushioned running shoes and continue with your activity.

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